What are student and teacher perspectives on motivation at an undergraduate university in Hong Kong

  • Allan Chu Lim Cheung

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    The purpose of this study is to investigate motivational perspectives of student and teacher at City University of Hong Kong. Questionnaires were distributed to students and teachers for quantitative data collection. With the use of Dornyei and Csizer's (1998) macrostrategies and clusters, this study hopes to suggest motivational actions and strategies in order to understand and discuss better L2 learning and teaching environments among teachers and students. 2. Introduction. Research on motivation has contributed immensely in the area of social psychology but also more recently in the past few decades to language development in the L2 arena. L2 motivation is multifaceted and contains features of personality and social dimensions that are embedded into the culture of a community (Dornyei, 1998). A person's self-identity to learn an L2 plays a vital role in motivation since learning and mastering a language differ from subject matters such as mathematics (Dornyei, 1998). These shifts towards social psychology lead to the further research in L2 learning. Teachers' skills are essential to student motivation which is central to teaching effectiveness (Dornyei, 1998). The importance of teacher expectations is a vital part of research for teachers who would have a huge influence on student motivation as the authoritative figure of the classroom. For instance, according to Cheng (2011), "motivation is then looked into not only from the learners' point of view but also teachers perception of motivation, teaching practices and their relation with learners performance". Studies conducted by Dornyei and Csizer (1998) where Hungarian teachers were asked about their perspectives on motivation and Cheng and Dornyei (2007) in which English teachers from Taiwan participated in a study about motivation perspectives, reinforce the importance of studying the perspectives of teacher motivation. A small scale study conducted by Ya-Nan He titled "Motivational Strategies: Students' and Teachers' Perspectives" (2009) at Kent State University in the USA studies the perspectives of teacher and student on teacher actions. Va's study is an extension of the Dornyei and Csizer's (1998) and Cheng & Dornyei's (2007) studies, where her quantitative study surveyed 40 students from various nationalities and 11 teachers.
    Date of Award1 Jun 2017
    Original languageEnglish
    SupervisorWing Kin Vinton Poon (Supervisor)

    User-Defined Keywords

    • Motivation in education
    • China
    • Hong Kong
    • Achievement motivation.

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