Reduplication Tone Sandhi in Chongqing Mandarin: An Optimality Theoretic Analysis

  • Xinlei SHEN

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    This dissertation investigates AA reduplication tone sandhi in Chongqing Mandarin. This dissertation offers f0 profiles to establish that the four monosyllabic tones are indeed [LH, HL, LHL, HLH]. I propose that monosyllabic tones in Chongqing Mandarin are derived from a simple underlying tone inventory /L, H, LL, HH/ if one appeals to a combination of several universal constraints: (i) the OCP and (ii) the preference for each tone-bearing unit to be associated with one tone feature. Each monosyllabic tone has an AA reduplication form [LH. HH], [HL. LL], [HH. HL], [HL. LH], which fully duplicate the segment material. AA reduplication tone sandhi is derivable from inputting any one of the underlying tones and mapping those features to two syllables (one base syllable and its duplication) through the ranking of constraints in monosyllabic tones, additional alignment constraints and comparative markedness
    constraints. This analysis extends itself readily to account for most ditonal sandhi patterns sandhi adopting the ranking hierarchy of universal constraint.

    A novel part of the study lies in not requiring any initial mapping between the tones and the moras. Mapping tones to moras is derivable through a tone to tone-bearing mapping model in the dissertation, which provides a crisper principled account for Chongqing AA reduplication tone sandhi.
    Date of Award9 Jan 2024
    Original languageEnglish
    SupervisorLian Hee WEE (Supervisor)

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