《狼圖騰》、《塵埃落定》英譯研究: 從互文性角度分析兩部以中國少數民族邊地為背景的中文小說英譯

Translated title of the thesis: A study of wolf totem and red poppies: an intertextual analysis of English translations of two Chinese novels set in China's ethnic minority regions
  • 李慧敏

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


    本論文從互文性視角研究《狼圖騰》和《塵埃落定》的英譯,通過建立文本內部的話語與文本外部的話語之間的互文聯繫,分析源文內部的話語與源語系統中相關話語的互文性,及英譯內部的話語與目標語系統中相關話語的互文性,進而闡釋源文的文本意義和英譯的文本意義。 全文共分四章。第一章為緒論,介紹本文的選題背景、研究範圍與研究問題、研究方法、文獻綜述、理論框架和章節佈局。第二章是對《狼圖騰》及其英譯Wolf Totem作文本分析。本章通過分析在源文和英譯中圍繞蒙古族草原生態觀而展開對話的四類話語,建立每一類話語在源語系統和目標語系統中的互文聯繫,發現《狼圖騰》的文本意義是強調借蒙古文化的元素使中國變強大的話語,而其英譯Wolf Totem則重在彰顯內蒙古的蒙古文化,弱化了中國崛起的話語。第三章是對《塵埃落定》及其英譯Red Poppies作文本分析。本章通過分析在源文和英譯中圍繞嘉絨族群身份認同而展開對話的五類話語,建立每一類話語在源語系統和目標語系統中的互文聯繫,進而發現《塵埃落定》的文本意義是借追尋族群身份來彰顯嘉絨藏族的主體性。其英譯Red Poppies文本產生的意義則不在於尋找嘉絨族群身份,而是更突出了這一文本與英語世界裡西藏觀的既有話語的互動。第四章為結語部分,總結本論文的研究成果,對本論文運用的理論和方法進行批判性反思,最後是對後續研究的方向作出展望。 This thesis provides an analysis from an intertextual perspective of English translations of Lang Tuteng and Chen Ai Luo Ding, two Chinese novels set in China’s ethnic minority regions published since the 1990s. It is argued that these Chinese novels derive their meaning from a dialogue with various discourses circulating around them, and that English translations of these novels derive their meaning from a dialogue with various discourses circulating around the translations and their source texts. This thesis is organized into four chapters. Chapter One details the research background, delineates the scope of study, sets out the research questions, specifies methodology and theoretical framework for analysis, and provides a review of the literature. Chapter Two provides a detailed analysis from an intertextual perspective of Lang Tuteng and its English translation Wolf Totem. Four discourses concerning the characters’ attitudes towards the Mongolian ecology are identified in Lang Tuteng. A comparative analysis of the source and target texts shows that, whereas the source text privileges the discourse of ‘strengthening China through learning from the Mongolian culture’, the target text puts the emphasis on the Mongolian culture itself, and that the concern with China’s nation building is much less pronounced in the target text than in the source text. Chapter Three provides a detailed analysis of Chen Ai Luo Ding and its English translation Red Poppies. Five discourses concerning the identity of the Jiarong people in relation to China and the Tibetan region are identified in Chen Ai Luo Ding. A comparative analysis of the source and target texts shows that, whereas the source text highlights the issues of identity concerning the Jiarong people, the target text engages effectively in dialogue with existing discourses concerning the Tibetan region in the target language culture. The Chinese novel and its English translation acquire additional layers of meaning when their intertextual relations are teased out and read in their respective cultural contexts. Chapter Four provides a summary of the findings of the thesis, paying special attention to the connections and differences between the two case studies. Both novels are set in ethnic minority regions in mainland China, depict cultures of ethnic minority groups, and discuss the relationship between the ethnic minorities and the majority Han people in mainland China. Lang Tuteng adopts the perspective of the Han Chinese, positions the Mongolian culture as the other, and emphasizes the importance of learning from the other; however, Wolf Totem stresses the marginalization of the Mongolian culture, rather than issuing an appeal for the Han Chinese to enrich their culture and contribute to the rise of the Chinese nation. Chen Ai Luo Ding adopts the perspective of the Jiarong people, positions foreign cultures as the other, and highlights the narrator’s quest for an identity of the Jiarong people. A comparative analysis of the Chinese novel and its English translation shows the ways in which Red Poppies adheres to the discourses in the source text and enters into dialogue with dominant discourses on the Tibetan region in the target language culture. Chapter Four also includes theoretical reflection on the methodology and theoretical framework of this thesis, and suggests possible avenues for future research.

    Date of Award23 Mar 2016
    Original languageChinese (Traditional)
    SupervisorWai Ping YAU (Supervisor)

    User-Defined Keywords

    • Chinese fiction
    • Translations into English.

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