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/V/'s realization in Hong Kong English interlanguage
Li, C. F. (Author), 2005Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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(Re)forming the Imprint: Using Digital Imaging Processes to Gain A New Perspective on Printmaking
LI, X. (Author), NELSON, P. (Supervisor), 28 Jun 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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1,3-dipolar cycloadditions of α, β-unsaturated sultone and sultams
Zhang, H. (Author), CHAN, W. H. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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羅婉嫻 (Author), WONG, M. K. (Supervisor), 2003Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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3D Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection with Remote Photoplethysmography
LIU, S. (Author), YUEN, P. C. (Supervisor), 27 Sept 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A 3-D Oculomotor Tracking Method for the Assessment of VOR Disorders in Larval Zebrafish by KCNQ Channel Manipulations
CHEN, J. (Author), YUNG, K. L. (Supervisor), 28 Jun 2022Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A bilingual British "barbarian": a study of John Robert Morrison (1814-1843) as the translator and interpreter for the British plenipotentiaries in China between 1839 and 1843
Leung, C. Y. (Author), 2001Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A Blended Face-to-face and eHealth Lifestyle Intervention on Physical Activity, Diet, and Health Outcomes in Hong Kong Community-dwelling Older Adults
YANG, M. (Author), DUAN, Y. (Supervisor), 23 Sept 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A Blended Intervention to Promote Physical Activity, Health, and Work Productivity among Office Employees Using Intervention Mapping: A Randomized Controlled Trial
SUN, Y. (Author), GAO, Y. (Supervisor), 28 Aug 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Absorptive Capacity, Incremental Innovative Capability and Firm Performance: The Moderating Roles of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Transactional Leadership
YANG, F. (Author), WU, W. P. (Supervisor), 5 Dec 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Academic motivation is influenced by parental involvement: A study on the mediating effect of learner empowerment and filiao piety
TO, H. K. (Author), TSANG, Y. K. (Supervisor), 29 Jun 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A case study of Pakistani student’s experience of studying in Hong Kong mainstream primary school
WONG, C. H. (Author), WONG, M. W. Y. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Master's Thesis
A case study of two pilot universities' teacher education curricula under the context of free teacher education policy in mainland China
Hu, A. (Author), SIVAN, A. (Supervisor), 12 May 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A case study on the motivational pattern of learning ESL in S.W.C.S. Chan Pak Sha School-- in application to self access learning
Chan, T. W. (Author), 2000Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Accommodating the dragon: Vietnam's enduring asymmetric entanglements with China
Nguyen, T. T. (Author), TING, W. (Supervisor), 21 Jul 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Accounting conservatism and IPO underpricing: evidence from China
Tian, Z. (Author), LIN, Z. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Accounting information, the cost of equity capital and CEO turnovers
Hu, J. (Author), LIN, Z. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Accumulation and transformation of DDT and PCBs by Phragmites australis and Oryza sativa L.
Chu, W. K. (Author), ZHANG, J. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Accumulation of DDTs, heavy metals and PBDEs in fish collected from fish ponds and mariculture zones of the Pearl River Delta, China
Leung, S. Y. (Author), WONG, M. H. (Supervisor), 2008Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Accumulation of heavy metals and organochlorine pesticides in human milk and adipose tissues, and its health concerns
Chen, X. (Author), WONG, M. H. (Supervisor), 2007Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A class of operator splitting methods for least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) models
Mo, L. (Author), Zhang, J. Z. (Supervisor), 2012Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comparative study of motivation for learning English in CMI and EMI classes
Chiu, C. K. L. (Author), 2004Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comparative study of the language learning anxiety and occupational aspiration of high proficiency students and low proficiency students studying at the Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)
Chan, C. H. (Author), 2002Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comparative study of two anti-angiogenic compounds: sinomenine and norcantharidin
Kok, T. W. (Author), WONG, R. N. S. (Supervisor), 2003Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comparative study on how an American and a Chinese teacher use language to handle pre-schoolers with disruptive behaviour
Chan, K. Y. (Author), 2007Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comparative study on reporting the incident of parallel traders in two newspapers in Hong Kong
Zhao, P. (Author), LAM, P. W. Y. (Supervisor), 8 Jan 2016Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comparative study on the treatment of exercise induced fatigue between qi-supplementing herbs and qi-rectifying herbs
Shi, Y. (Author), Yang, W. Y. (Supervisor), 2002Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A comparison of body density determinations using residual volume and total lung capacity in underwater weighing technique
Lee, C. S. (Author), 1998Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comparison of business correspondence writing conducted in two contexts: the classroom and the workplace
Cheung, C. Y. (Author), 1995Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comparison of English reading comprehension abilities of secondary students in Hong Kong and Taiwan
Chui, M. W. C. (Author), 1996Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comparison of infant-carrying methods with physical stress in Hong Kong Chinese female adults
Lu, K. (Author), LOUIE, L. H. T. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comparison of L2 learners' interlanguage performance on apologizing in terms of age
Ho, S. M. (Author), 2008Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comparison of the language use in sports writing: soccer and golf news
Ng, K. M. (Author), 2002Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comparsion between an ex-ante and ex-post test of early unwinding strategy in put-call-futures arbitrage
Pang, W. S. (Author), 1998Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comprehensive study on the impact of abusive supervision on employees' OCBs: testing the mediating role of group identification and the moderating roles of power distance and conflict with supervisors
Lee, T. T. (Author), WEI, L. (Supervisor), 11 Mar 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A computational study of bacterial growth in complex environments
Li, X. (Author), TANG, L. H. (Supervisor), 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A computational study of energy conversion efficiency of F1-ATPase
Zou, Y. (Author), TANG, L. H. (Supervisor), 21 Sept 2017Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A computational study on vaccination decision making for infectious disease control
Xia, S. (Author), LIU, J. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A concurrent negotiation mechanism for grid resource co-allocation
Shi, B. (Author), Sim, K. M. (Supervisor), 2008Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A content analysis of English language teaching (ELT) textbook blurbs: implications for the ELT community in Hong Kong
Yip, P. L. C. (Author), 2000Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A contrastive analysis of English and Chinese headlines of Hong Kong local news stories
Chiang, C. M. (Author), 2002Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A contrastive analysis of mandarin prosody in service-oriented and non-service-oriented attitudinal spontaneous speech
Li, B. (Author), WAKEFIELD, J. (Supervisor), 2016Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A contrastive structural analysis of Chinese and English newspapers of a collapsing building accident
Lam, F. M. (Author), 2002Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A contrastive study in Cantonese and English modality by analyzing the modal auxiliary, ho yi 可以
Chan, H. F. (Author), 1998Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A corpus-based comparison between semantic and pragmatic features of English aspect marker-ING and Chinese aspect markers ZHE and ZAI
Chen, R. (Author), 2010Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A corpus-based study of the forms and functions of BE in the interlanguage grammars of Chinese learners of English
Zhang, Y. (Author), HUNG, T. T. N. (Supervisor), 2008Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A Corpus-based Study of the Semantic Explicitation of Metaphors in Translations of Huangdi Neijing Suwen: An Analysis of Two Translated English Versions
ZHANG, M. (Author), SHUTTLEWORTH, M. (Supervisor), 28 Aug 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A corpus study of the interaction of the aspect marker le with different Chinese syntactic structures
Zhang, Y. (Author), 2012Student thesis: Master's Thesis