Zhang Yimou’s Early Filmmaking and Cinematic Transition

Ying Zhu

Research output: Other contribution


The films of Zhang Yimou, one of the cinema’s greatest auteurs, and acclaimed Chinese actress Gong Li have had a profound effect on audiences around the world.
Their long and diverse filmmaking partnership has produced some of cinema’s greatest films.
Here presented for the first time in one collection are the eight major works from their remarkable collaboration together.

All eight films are presented in 1080p high definition from 2k masters from the original negatives. Each film has additional supplements to compliment and provide insight into the making of these important cinema achievements.

Limited edition 60-page booklet containing new essays from Professor Chris Berry & Professor Ying Zhu
Strictly Limited edition 2000 copies hard box packaging featuring unique artwork.

Original languageEnglish
TypeDisc booklet
Media of outputBooklet
Number of pages60
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021


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