“Whistleblower or Leaker?” Examining the Portrayal and Characterization of Edward Snowden in USA, UK, and HK Posts

Amy Wu, Will W. K. Ma*, Wing Lam Chan

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference proceedingpeer-review


This study evolved from the question of how whistleblowers are portrayed and characterized by the news media. A primary objective of this study is to specifically examine how Snowden was characterized and portrayed in The Guardian and The Washington Post as well as a control comparison with a Hong Kong newspaper, South China Morning Post (SCMP) as Snowden had been stayed in Hong Kong. To this end, a comparative textual analysis of news articles was performed—by tracking the keywords—from the period of June 10, 2013 (when Snowden first disclosed the information to the newspapers) through October 31, 2013. This study concludes that keywords may be critically important in the portrayal and characterization of individuals such as Snowden, and that portrayal of that individual can change over a selected time frame. Since this study is based on limited analysis of selected news coverage to date, its conclusions must be viewed as preliminary in need of future data as the Snowden coverage continues.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNew Media, Knowledge Practices and Multiliteracies
Subtitle of host publicationHKAECT 2014 International Conference
EditorsWill W.K. Ma, Allan H.K. Yuen, Jae Park, Wilfred W.F. Lau, Liping Deng
Place of PublicationSingapore
Number of pages14
ISBN (Electronic)9789812872098
ISBN (Print)9789812872081, 9789811013584
Publication statusPublished - 4 Oct 2014
EventNew Media, Knowledge Practices and Multiliteracies: HKAECT 2014 International Conference - The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Duration: 8 Dec 201410 Dec 2014
http://www.hkaect.org/hkaect2014/ (conference website)
http://www.hkaect.org/hkaect2014/program.html (conference program)


ConferenceNew Media, Knowledge Practices and Multiliteracies: HKAECT 2014 International Conference
CityHong Kong
Internet address


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