Where Creativity Meets Technology: A Library-led, Multi-disciplinary Online Showcase for Artworks, Creative Writings, and Movies Displayed with 3D and HTML5 Technology

Rebekah S H WONG*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review

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This article introduces the Hong Kong Baptist University's Heritage project (http://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/), a multi-disciplinary online showcase for curriculum-related creative outputs that were produced by faculty and students of the university. Initiated and led by the University Library, this project was a collaborative effort with six academic departments, synthesizing technology and creativity and bringing great benefits to the institution. The article introduces the project and discusses three major challenges, namely technology, staff motivation, and librarian stereotype. It also presents statistics to show how this project enhanced teaching and learning, encouraged inter-departmental collaboration, enhanced library visibility, contributed to institutional reputation, among other benefits.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)206-215
Number of pages10
JournalNew Review of Academic Librarianship
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 4 May 2015

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Library and Information Sciences

User-Defined Keywords

  • collaboration
  • digitization
  • leadership
  • strategy
  • university libraries


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