WeChat Marketing Case Study: How to Use Social Media to Communicate with Virtual Audiences in China

Fei Fan

Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Facing significant changes in online communication and consumption trends, marketers and practitioners in the communication and public relations industries are eager to learn how to use social media tools to engage the virtual audience and promote their messages and products to potential target audiences in the digital world. In China, WeChat is one of the most widely-used social media vehicles with an instant messaging function, making it attractive to international marketing practitioners who seek to grow brand awareness and improve brand loyalty in China. The Hong Kong Trade Development Council, a statutory body established in 1966, has been relying on WeChat to interact online with Mainland China since 2013. This chapter discusses the Hong Kong Trade Development Council’s official WeChat subscription account, and proposes a WeChat communication model based on a participant observation method between 1 November 2013 and 1 November 2015. It also uses an analysis of content gathered between 3 November 2015 and 3 November 2016 to offer message solutions for WeChat marketing in China.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNew Media Spectacles and Multimodal Creativity in a Globalised Asia
Subtitle of host publicationArt, Design and Activism in the Digital Humanities Landscape
EditorsSunny Sui-kwong Lam
Place of PublicationSingapore
Number of pages19
ISBN (Electronic)9789811573415
ISBN (Print)9789811573408
Publication statusPublished - 21 Nov 2020

Publication series

NameDigital Culture and Humanities
ISSN (Print)2520-8640
ISSN (Electronic)2520-8659


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