Water In Love: for mixed chorus, poem by Ed Bok Lee

George Tsz-Kwan Lam (Composer), Ed Bok Lee

Research output: Non-textual formComposition


"Water In Love" was written for the Borough of Manhattan Community College chorus program, directed by Dr. Eugenia Yau. Throughout this work, the chorus recites Ed Bok Lee’s beautiful poem by rendering the words in a collective recitative — at times singing together in unison, and at other times branching off into shorter fragments. Lee’s poem describes a fantastic, idealized love from the point of view of water, connecting two elemental human needs into a meditation on the wild, liquid, and life-sustaining force of love. The chorus provides a wonderful, communal medium for Lee’s important message, and I am thankful for BMCC and Dr. Eugenia Yau to have made this work possible.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOther
Publication statusIn preparation - 21 Jan 2020


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