Use of ferrous iron to solid content ratio as a controlling parameter for bioleaching Zn and Cu from anaerobically digested sludge

Xiang Yang Gu*, Jonathan W C Wong

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference proceedingpeer-review


The effects of solid content on iron oxidation and metal solubilization during the bioleaching of sludge were investigated in the present study with the purpose of establishing a stable bioleaching process using ferrous iron to solid content ratio as a controlling parameter. In comparison with complete iron oxidation on day 1 in sludge with 1% solid content there was a one-day lag time before ferrous iron oxidation occurred and 2-3 days were required for complete iron oxidation in sludge with solid content raised to 2%-4%. As a result the bioleaching time to achieve a pH decrease to <2.5 and an ORP increase to >550 mV increased from 1 day in the sludge containing 1% of solid content to 2 days in sludge containing 2%-4% of solid content. When bioleaching was performed at a ferrous iron (%) to solid content (%) ratio of 2:1, metal solubilization remained almost unchanged and after three days 100% of Zn and 90% of Cu could be leached out from anaerobically digested sludge with 1%-3% solid content, confirming the feasibility of using ferrous iron (%) to solid content (%) ratio as the controlling parameter for bioleaching heavy metals from sewage sludge.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2003 Energy and Environment
EditorsG.-M. Zeng, G.-H. Huang, Z.-H. Yang, Y.-J. Jiang
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2003
EventProceeding of the 2003 Energy and Environment - Changsha, China
Duration: 11 Oct 200314 Oct 2003

Publication series

NameProceeding of the 2003 Energy and Environment


ConferenceProceeding of the 2003 Energy and Environment

Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Engineering

User-Defined Keywords

  • Acidithiobacilus ferrooxidans
  • Bioleaching
  • Heavy metals
  • Sewage sludge


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