Transnational Theory and South American Immigration across Europe

Adrian John Bailey, Rosa Mas Giralt

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    The South American population living in the UK and Europe has grown decisively over the past decade (Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2007, McIlwaine 2007).1 With an increasing number of economic migrants, students, and family reunifiers supplementing the earlier flows of those moving to seek asylum and to participate in skilled labor markets, the community has greatly diversified. The fact that, like many immigrant populations, South Americans tend to concentrate in some areas and not others introduces further diversity between, in the UK, the South American communities in London and the North. Understanding how growing immigration and diverse communities affects British, European, and South American societies in interdependent ways is important to debates on citizenship, belonging, and multiculturalism (Yuval-Davis 2006), development and position of South America in the global economy (Munck 2009, Robinson 2004), and convergence and divergence across Europe (Koser and Lutz 1998; Pellegrino 2004).
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCross-Border Migration among Latin Americans
    Subtitle of host publicationEuropean Perspectives and Beyond
    EditorsCathy McIlwaine
    Place of PublicationNew York
    PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
    Number of pages16
    ISBN (Electronic)9781137001887
    ISBN (Print)9780230108387, 9781349291175
    Publication statusPublished - 2011

    Publication series

    NameStudies of the Americas

    User-Defined Keywords

    • Social Network
    • Comparative International Development
    • International Migration Review
    • South American Population
    • Racial Study


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