Trace Metals in Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Preliminary Study Using ICP-MS for Metal Determination and As Speciation

Xiaoru Wang, Zhixia Zhuang, Dahai Sun, Jiangxing Hong, Xihong Wu, Frank Sen Chun Lee, Mildred S. Yang, H. W. Leung

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31 Citations (Scopus)


The metal content in several TCM drugs was determined by ICP-MS. The efficiencies of different sample digestion methods were compared. Since one of the products studied is known to contain arsenic sulfides as a main ingredient, a solvent fractionation scheme was developed and applied to speciate As in the product. The metal content in the same TCM drug produced by different manufacturers was compared. The concentration of some metals such as Pb and Cd differs widely with different manufacturers, suggesting that their origin is primarily from external contamination. The high sensitivity and precision of the ICP-MS technique offers considerable advantages over conventional ICP-OES techniques for the analysis of complex samples such as TCM materials. Standardized analytic protocols based on ICP-MS are being developed fur the determination and characterization of metals and trace elements in TCM materials for product quality assessment.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)86-91
Number of pages6
JournalAtomic Spectroscopy
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - May 1999
Externally publishedYes


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