The Usage of Yu 于 and Yu 於 in Warring States Period and Han Dynasty and the Transmission and Writing Habit of Classical Texts

Olivier Venture, Yuet Ngo Leung (Translator)

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal article


The question of yu 于 and yu 於 in classical Chinese, as two characters often used to record the same grammatical word, has been debated for centuries. Scholars already proposed very detailed analysis related to some specific uses of each of them. Without questioning the existence of specialized usages of both characters in later text, the author proposes here to focus on the earliest evidences provided by inscriptions and manuscripts to understand the origin of their relationship. I conclude, with other scholars, that the difference in use between yu 于 and yu 於 is primarily a question of historical development of the language, the former appearing earlier than the latter. Moreover, the way both characters are used elucidates questions of transmission and attitudes on language use which go far beyond the linguistic frame.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)206-231
Number of pages26
JournalBamboo and Silk
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2020

User-Defined Keywords

  • Yu 于
  • Yu 於
  • historical linguistics
  • textual transmission


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