The role of landscape morphology on soil moisture variability in semi-arid ecosystems

Ankur Srivastava, Patricia M. Saco, Jose F. Rodriguez, Nikul Kumari, Kwok Pan Chun, Omer Yetemen*

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    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review

    49 Citations (Scopus)


    Previous studies on semi-arid ecosystems have shown high values of soil moisture variability (SMV) primarily induced by the combined effects of non-uniform precipitation, incoming solar radiation, and soil and vegetation properties. However, the relative impact of these various factors on SMV has been difficult to evaluate due to limited availability of field data. In addition, only a limited number of studies have analysed the role of landscape morphology on SMV. Here we use numerical simulations of a simple hydrological model, the Bucket Grassland Model, to systematically analyse the effect of each contributing factor on SMV on two different landscape morphologies. The two different landform morphologies represent landscapes dominated respectively by either diffusive erosion or fluvial erosion processes. We conducted various simulations driven by a stochastically generated 100-year climate time series, which is long enough to capture climatic fluctuations, in order to understand the effect of various soil moisture controlling factors on the spatiotemporal SMV. Our modelling results show that the fluvial dominated landscapes promote higher spatial SMV than the diffusive dominated ones. Further, the role of landform morphology on SMV is more pronounced in regions where the spatial variability of incoming solar radiation and precipitation is high.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article numbere13990
    Number of pages19
    JournalHydrological Processes
    Issue number1
    Early online date25 Nov 2020
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2021

    Scopus Subject Areas

    • Water Science and Technology

    User-Defined Keywords

    • landscape morphology
    • latitudinal variations
    • soil moisture variability
    • solar radiation


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