The integration of Chinese cultural studies with different courses: Development of teaching pedagogy utilising a web-based package

Yin Bing Leung, Wai Chun Cheung, Sandy S C Li

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    The new curriculum developed by the Curriculum Development Council in 2001 suggested the integration of different Key Learning Areas into single learning units or into project learning (2001: 23). Interactive learning using information technology was also recommended. This project aimed to utilise the web to develop teaching pedagogy involving the integration of Chinese cultural studies with courses Chinese Language, Chinese Literature, Chinese History and Liberal Studies, and to enhance students’ interest in and autonomous study of Chinese culture through computer technology-based learning system. This project resulted in the development of a multimedia web-based package to assist students in different education courses, in particular those who have to carry out practicum in schools and who are keen on learning Chinese culture. It was also helpful to colleagues who lecture on cross-disciplinary topics.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationStudies on Teaching and Learning
    EditorsAtara Sivan
    Place of PublicationHong Kong
    PublisherHong Kong Baptist University
    Number of pages7
    ISBN (Print)9789881810557
    Publication statusPublished - May 2010

    User-Defined Keywords

    • Chinese cultural studies
    • web-based package for teaching and learning
    • cross-discipline study


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