title = "The Endoporeutic Method",
abstract = "Endoporeutic method (endon: {\textquoteleft}within{\textquoteright}; poros: {\textquoteleft}passage, pore{\textquoteright}) exemplifies the fundamental principle concerning the direction of the flow of interpretation in Peirce{\textquoteright}s diagrammatic logic of existential graphs (EGs). It boils down to the fact that in EGs, one starts with the outermost graph-instance or the cut and proceeds inwards according to the conventions of EGs. The interpretation is dialogic, which Peirce laid out in his semeiotics in terms of two players, the Interpreter and the Utterer, and in EGs in terms of the Grapheus and the Graphist. Endoporeutic method is thus closely related to semantic games. It is also an early sketch of model theory in logic, and marks an outlook on logic that puts the notion of compositionality under critical scrutiny.",
keywords = "Endoporeutic Method, Existential Graph, Dialogues, Games, Model Theory, Compositionality",
author = "Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen",
year = "2014",
month = jan,
language = "English",
series = "The Commens Encyclopedia",
publisher = "Commens",
editor = "Mats Bergman and Jo{\~a}o Queiroz",
booktitle = "The Commens Encyclopedia",