The Effects of Fatigue on the Lower Limb Biomechanics of Amateur Athletes during a Y-Balance Test

Congyu Huang, Jingyi Ye, Yang Song, Balint Kovács, Julien S. Baker, Zhuqing Mao*, Yaodong Gu*

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The Y-Balance Test (YBT) is a reliable tool for assessing the dynamic balance of athletes’ lower limbs. This study aimed to compare the effects of the YBT on lower limb biomechanics before and after fatigue. Sixteen adult male recreational athletes were recruited for the study, and motion capture in combination with a force plate was used to collect kinematic, dynamics, and center of pressure (COP) data of the dominant leg during YBT testing before and after fatigue. Based on the research findings, there were significant statistical differences in the distances reached during the YBT in three directions before and after fatigue. After fatigue, there is a significant decrease in the ROM of the hip and knee joints in all three directions. Also, there is a significant increase in hip joint torque in the anterior- and posterior-lateral directions, while a significant decrease in hip and ankle joint torque is observed in the posterior-medial direction. Moreover, there is an increasing trend in positive and negative joint work for the hip, knee, and ankle joints in all three directions after fatigue. The range of COP displacement also increases following fatigue. The decline in YBT scores demonstrates the detrimental impact of fatigue on the dynamic balance of the lower limbs of adult male amateur athletes. We hope that these results can provide information for athletes and coaches to better understand the effects of fatigue on the dynamic balance of lower limbs, so as to carry out targeted lower limb balance training and prevent sports injuries.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2565
Number of pages13
JournalHealthcare (Switzerland)
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 16 Sept 2023

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Leadership and Management
  • Health Policy
  • Health Informatics
  • Health Information Management

User-Defined Keywords

  • Y Balance Test
  • fatigue
  • lower extremity
  • kinematic
  • dynamics


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