The Curriculum of Physical Education and Moral Education = 體育科課程與道德敎育

Siu Wing Yeung*

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    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review


    Recently, much emphasis has put on the training of physical fitness in Physical Education (PE) subject. In fact, one of the most important objectives of PE is to promote the qualities of desirable moral behaviors, co-operation in communal life and the ability of making moral judgment in students. PE is a significant media to provide real life situations for students to re-exercise the moral reasoning and reappraise the value of PE. This coincides with Kohlberg's theory (1987) that moral reasoning has to go through the process of re-evaluation of own value system in different situations, thus achieving a balance and fostering the advancement of a person's level of moral reasoning. This essay discussed the relationship between moral education and PE, and the way to implement moral education in PE is suggested.

    近年來,體育科的發展多集中在體能方面,對於其他方面的發展則略嫌忽略,道德發展正是其中一環。體育科正正能夠作為一個極之有效的媒介,讓學生有機會重覆遇上兩難的情景,而進行重覆練習道德思維判斷,尋找出一個在內心世界的平衡點 — 體育的價值。這個歷程正符合近代心理學家勞倫斯郭耳堡(1987)的認知道德發展模式,當一些價值在實際選擇情景中發生衝突時,道德價值的認知便邁向評量價值更具批判責任的一步,這樣便能提升個人的道德思維層次。這篇文章就是探討兩者的關係。
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)14-16
    Number of pages3
    JournalAsian Journal of Physical Education and Recreation
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2000


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