The Chinese Church and Its Mission: A Dialogue with Moltmann’s Ecclesiology

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    In this paper, I will discuss Jürgen Moltmann’s eschatological ecclesiology with reference to two themes so as to explore the mission of the Chinese church in the contemporary context. They are, firstly, eschatological hope and the exodus church; and secondly, the Holy Spirit and the mission of the Chinese church for a deeper integration of Christian faith and Chinese culture. I will start by arguing that the present political combination of ancient Chinese culture and the communist revolutionary idea of “leading everything” are at odds with Moltmann’s ecological conception of equilibrium and progress. It is a realized eschatology rather than Christian eschatological hope. By becoming an exodus church with eschatological hope, the Chinese church can keep a critical distance from any version of realized eschatology while demonstrating solidarity with its neighbors. In Moltmann’s thought the eschatological messianic hope of the church is realized in a charismatic ecclesiology. Prioritizing an ecclesiology of eschatological hope in the Holy Spirit over an ecclesiology heavily shaped by Logos Christology can help the church gain new perspective and vision for its mission in Chinese society.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)31–52
    Number of pages22
    JournalChing Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture
    Issue number1-2
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2019

    User-Defined Keywords

    • hope
    • ecclesiology
    • Jürgen Moltmann
    • Chinese church
    • Christianity and culture


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