Social Media Use in HRM

Donald H. Kluemper, Arjun Mitra, Siting Wang

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

    47 Citations (Scopus)


    Over the past decade, the rapid evolution of social media has impacted the field of human resource management in numerous ways. In response, scholars and practitioners have sought to begin an investigation of the myriad of ways that social media impacts organizations. To date, research evidence on a range of HR-related topics are just beginning to emerge, but are scattered across a range of diverse literatures. The principal aim of this chapter is to review the current literature on the study of social media in HRM and to integrate these disparate emerging literatures. During our review, we discuss the existent research, describe the theoretical foundations of such work, and summarize key research findings and themes into a coherent social media framework relevant to HRM. Finally, we offer recommendations for future work that can enhance knowledge of social media’s impact in organizations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationResearch in Personnel and Human Resource Management
    EditorsM. Ronald Buckley, Jonathon R. B. Halbesleben, Anthony R. Wheeler
    PublisherEmerald Publishing
    Number of pages55
    ISBN (Electronic)9781786352637
    ISBN (Print)9781786352644
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2016

    Publication series

    ISSN (Print)0742-7301

    User-Defined Keywords

    • Social media
    • Social networking web sites
    • Human resource management


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