Slower-decaying tropical cyclones produce heavier precipitation over China

Yangchen Lai, Xihui Gu*, Lihong Wei, Liangyi Wang, Louise J. Slater, Jianfeng Li, Donglei Shi, Mingzhong Xiao, Lunche Wang, Yansong Guan, Dongdong Kong, Xiang Zhang

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1 Citation (Scopus)


The post-landfall decay of tropical cyclones (TC) is often closely linked to the magnitude of damage to the environment, properties, and the loss of human lives. Despite growing interest in how climate change affects TC decay, data uncertainties still prevent a consensus on changes in TC decay rates and related precipitation. Here, after strict data-quality control, we show that the rate of decay of TCs after making landfall in China has significantly slowed down by 45% from 1967 to 2018. We find that, except the warmer sea surface temperature, the eastward shift of TC landfall locations also contributes to the slowdown of TC decay over China. That is TCs making landfall in eastern mainland China (EC) decay slower than that in southern mainland China (SC), and the eastward shift of TCs landfall locations causes more TCs landfalling in EC with slower decay rate. TCs making landfall in EC last longer at sea, carry more moisture upon landfall, and have more favorable dynamic and thermodynamic conditions sustaining them after landfall. Observational evidence shows that the decay of TC-induced precipitation amount and intensity within 48 h of landfall is positively related to the decay rate of landfalling TCs. The significant increase in TC-induced precipitation over the long term, due to the slower decay of landfalling TCs, increases flood risks in China’s coastal areas. Our results highlight evidence of a slowdown in TC decay rates at the regional scale. These findings provide scientific support for the need for better flood management and adaptation strategies in coastal areas under the threat of greater TC-induced precipitation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number99
Number of pages13
Journalnpj Climate and Atmospheric Science
Publication statusPublished - 3 May 2024

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Global and Planetary Change
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Atmospheric Science


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