rest things a solo exhibition by Tom O’Dea

Tom O'DEA (Art Historian)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


rest things is a solo exhibition by Tom O’Dea bringing together very recent works alongside works from the past ten years. The exhibition title rest thingsreferences the Japanese poetic tradition of ‘rest words’ (makura kotoba) - the use of seemingly tangential words to allude to classical poetry by means of sound, association or meaning. The words themselves lose literal meaning, but form a nuanced rhizome-like set of associations within a vast tradition. A similar dynamic is at play in the encountered vernacular situations that initiate the works in this exhibition. rest thingsfollows on from a 2015 exhibition reclamation(Dublin, Ireland) that dealt obliquely with ideas of displacement and belonging. Encountered visual situations are interrogated and quoted out of context. Ready-to-hand vernacular forms and materials are cut off from intended use and re-purposed as visual frames of reference in an effort to come to terms with being in a place removed from erstwhile aesthetic benchmarks. The very recent works further the artist’s research into the space between painting and sculpture, utilising 3D modelling and printing technologies in combination with traditional ceramic-shell bronze casting techniques in the making of an articulated cast-bronze painting.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOther
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jun 2019

User-Defined Keywords

  • contemporary art painting drawing rest things


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