Questioning the modern emergence of “Zōngjiào” 宗教 and “Zhéxué” 哲學 in modern Chinese language and cultures: Beyond historical geneologies to matters of legitimization within the transformation of cultures = 超出文字系谱学、从文化转化的合法性中探究“宗教”及“哲学”在近现代中国语文及文化中的出现

Lauren Frederick Pfister

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal article


    Studies of the Chinese neologisms zōngjiào 宗教 and zhéxué 哲學 have been pursued along etymological and historical lines, focusing on works of particular intellectuals that employed these terms. I argue that these methods are limited in their explanatory power to indicate how these words become dominant terms representing new academic disciplines in 20th century China. There is a need to demonstrate how the these terms invoked new interests shaping East Asian intellectuals’ identities in differing 19th and 20th century cultural contexts. A dialectical cultural transformation is involved, as well as institutionalization processes reflecting the values associated with these neologisms. These Chinese words become dominant terms precisely because there was a new set of experiences which older terms could not articulate. Zōngjiào and zhéxué, therefore, not only emerged from external cultural sources, but also represented a new mentality among Chinese intellectuals involved in modern transformations of post-traditional Chinese cultures.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-13
    Number of pages13
    JournalInternational Journal of Chinese Character Studies
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2015

    User-Defined Keywords

    • Zōngjiào
    • zhéxué
    • neologisms
    • cultural transformation
    • Chinese intellectuals' identity
    • post-traditional Chinese culture
    • 宗教
    • 哲学
    • 新词
    • 文化转化
    • 中国知识分子身份
    • 后传统中国文化


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