Quality Aware Privacy Protection for Location-Based Services

Xiao Zhen*, Xiaofeng Meng, Jianliang Xu

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Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference proceedingpeer-review

28 Citations (Scopus)


Protection of users' privacy has been a central issue for location-based services (LBSs). In this paper, we classify two kinds of privacy protection requirements in LBS: location anonymity and identifier anonymity. While the location cloaking technique under the k-anonymity model can provide a good protection of users' privacy, it reduces the resolution of location information and, hence, may degrade the quality of service (QoS). To strike a balance between the location privacy and QoS, we present a quality-aware anonymity model for protecting location privacy while meeting user specified QoS requirements. In the model, a mobile user can specify the minimum anonymity level requirement upon location privacy as well as the maximum cloaking latency and the maximum cloaking region size requirements upon QoS. In accordance with the model, we develop an efficient directed-graph based cloaking algorithm to achieve both high-quality location anonymity and identifier anonymity. The performance objective is to maximize the cloaking success rate under the privacy and QoS constraints. Furthermore, we introduce an option of using dummy locations to achieve a 100% cloaking success rate at the cost of communication overhead. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our cloaking algorithm under various privacy and QoS requirements.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Databases: Concepts, Systems and Applications
Subtitle of host publication12th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2007, Bangkok, Thailand, April 9-12, 2007 Proceedings
EditorsRamamohanarao Kotagiri, P. Radha Krishna, Mukesh Mohania, Ekawit Nantajeewarawat
PublisherSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
Number of pages13
ISBN (Electronic)9783540717034
ISBN (Print)9783540717027
Publication statusPublished - 27 Mar 2007
Event12th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2007 - Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 9 Apr 200712 Apr 2007

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Computer Science
ISSN (Print)0302-9743
ISSN (Electronic)1611-3349
NameInformation Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI
ISSN (Print)2946-1634
ISSN (Electronic)2946-1642
NameDASFAA: International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications


Conference12th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2007
Internet address

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • General Computer Science

User-Defined Keywords

  • Location-based services
  • Privacy
  • QoS


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