Profile-establishing teaching evaluations

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference proceeding

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    There are two problems with most Teaching Evaluations (TE) today: (i) students, who lack professional training, are asked to provide evaluations on the professional capabilities of the teachers and (ii) students are asked to evaluate teachers along the same standards for every discipline. This paper explains how both problems can be solved by TE questionnaires that aim at deriving classroom dynamic profiles rather than evaluating the teaching or teachers. The effectiveness of the teacher may then be measured by the deviation from desired profiles without prejudice to demanding teachers and subjects that are inversely related to student popularity. This allows for evaluations to vary with the subject matter taught while relieving students of the burden of assessing the teacher’s professional capabilities. In order for such TEs to be done efficiently, such an evaluation form should require students to rank statements that describe classroom and learning situations rather than to have them assess certain qualities on a scale.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, TLHE 2006
    Place of PublicationSingapore
    PublisherCentre for Development of Teaching and Learning, National University of Singapore
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2006
    EventInternational Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, TLHE 2006 - , Singapore
    Duration: 6 Dec 20068 Dec 2006


    ConferenceInternational Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, TLHE 2006

    User-Defined Keywords

    • Teaching Evaluation
    • Classroom Dynamics
    • Discipline specific
    • Profile-establishing
    • Student feedback
    • Quality education


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