Preparing students for the challenges of the academic study

Elizabeth A Bankowski, Elsie C H Chan, Carol M H Lam, Patricia Warren

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When Hong Kong students first enter university, they often come with ineffective learning habits and have to adjust to a new study environment. They have to develop critical, analytical and independent thinking skills which were rarely nurtured in their previous schooling. This project was motivated by a belief that, in order to function effectively in a higher educational institution, students must gain independence in their study. To aid students in this process, the gap or discontinuity in their abilities has to be identified first. This was done through the comparison of study skills students were trained during their secondary schooling and the skills expected to be displayed in the assignments and examinations at university. Having established which study and language skills were relevant and needed to successfully perform academic tasks, specific instructional materials were created for the inclusion in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationStudies on Teaching and Learning
EditorsAtara Sivan
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherHong Kong Baptist University
Number of pages12
ISBN (Print)9789881810557
Publication statusPublished - May 2010

User-Defined Keywords

  • Study skills in English
  • transition to tertiary education
  • coping with academic tasks
  • academicskills


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