Predicting attitudes toward television advertising: The view from Hong Kong

Kara Chan, Richard A. Ruidl

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperpeer-review

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A survey on a quota sample of 691 Hong Kong consumers was conducted to investigate what they think and feel about television advertising in Hong Kong. Results indicated that Hong Kong viewers held positive attitudes toward television advertising. They valued the market information and entertainment value of television advertising. They did not think that advertised brands were necessarily better and they agreed less on the social image information function of television advertising. Their major concern was that prices went up as a result of television advertising. They agreed that the government should step up control on commercial content but they did not call for restriction on advertising repetition nor banning of advertising in children’s program. A majority of viewers attended to other things during commercial breaks. Respondents’ perception of television advertising were used to predict their opinions toward government’s regulation on advertising and their behaviours during commercial break.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - Aug 1996
Event20th IAMCR Scientific Conference and General Assembly - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 18 Aug 199622 Aug 1996


Conference20th IAMCR Scientific Conference and General Assembly


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