Personality and Recommendation Diversity

Li Chen, Wen Wu*, Liang He

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Diversity is increasingly recognized as an important metric for evaluating the effectiveness of online recommendations. However, few studies have fully explored the possibility of realizing personalized diversityRecommendationdiversityin recommender systemsRecommender systemcontext-awareby taking into account the individual user's spontaneous needs. In this chapter, we emphasize the effect of users' personality on their needs for recommendation diversityRecommendationdiversity. We start with a review of the two branches of research in this area, diversityRecommendationdiversity-oriented recommender systemsRecommender systemcontext-aware(RS) and personalityUserpersonality-basedPersonality-based recommendationRS. We then report the results from a user surveyUsersurveythat we conducted with the aim of identifying the relationship between personalityUserpersonalityand users' preferences for recommendation diversityRecommendationdiversity. For instance, the personalityUserpersonalitytrait of conscientiousness can affect users' preferences not only for diversityRecommendationdiversityin respect of a particular attribute (such as movie genre, country, or release time), but also their preference for overall diversityRecommendationdiversitywhen all attributes are considered. Motivated by the survey findings, we propose a personalityUserpersonality-basedPersonality-based recommendationdiversityRecommendationdiversity-adjusting strategy for recommender systemsRecommender systemcontext-aware, and demonstrate its significant merit in improving users' subjective perceptions of the system's recommendation accuracy. Finally, we consider implications and suggestions for future research directions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEmotions and Personality in Personalized Services
Subtitle of host publicationModels, Evaluation and Applications
EditorsMarko Tkalčič, Berardina De Carolis, Marco de Gemmis, Ante Odić, Andrej Košir
PublisherSpringer Cham
Number of pages25
ISBN (Electronic)9783319314136
ISBN (Print)9783319314112, 9783319810348
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jul 2016

Publication series

NameHuman–Computer Interaction Series

User-Defined Keywords

  • Recommendation Diversity
  • Movie Genre
  • Conscientiousness
  • Preference Profile
  • Intra-user Variations

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