One collection many lives: On curator, collection, and the public

Wing-Yan Vivian Ting

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal article


In recent decades, the museum sector has reflected upon its visions, missions and objectives, especially in relation to who it is serving and how it can expand its capacity to accommodate diverse socio-cultural needs. This suggests that museums have transformed from a temple of knowledge to an engaging platform of culture that highlights civic values, such as social inclusion. Thus, the study of museum collection should not only focus on the development of disciplinary research, but also on how curators contextualize objects to bring enjoyment, education, and inspiration to wider audiences. Interestingly, this new trend in museum services has been criticized as "edutainment" that transforms the role of curator from a researcher to an activity organizer. To what extent is such criticism valid? How can curators balance scholarship and public engagement? This article attempts to address these questions by examining one of the key tasks of curators–interpretation of the collection for the purposes of education, inspiration, and enjoyment. Based on the Chinese collection housed in the Bristol City Museum, a critical review of three different interpretive approaches adopted by curators and that reflect upon the relationships among curator, collection, and museum visitors was carried out. An alternative interpretive approach was also considered in which visitors research the collection and write creative texts that communicate the objects to the public. This approach highlights the integration of personal experiences and aesthetic imagination into the curatorial narrative of the collection. The author argues that the study of museum collection should be relevant to contemporary society in connecting audiences with the past as well as the present.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-41
Number of pages23
JournalMuseology Quarterly
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2012

User-Defined Keywords

  • curatorship
  • museum interpretation
  • museum social responsibilities
  • objecthuman relationship
  • visitors’ experiences
  • 策展學
  • 博物館詮釋
  • 博物館社會責任
  • 藏品與觀眾
  • 觀眾的參觀經驗


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