Non-refined carbon sources and microbial performance

Guneet KAUR*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter provides an account of microbial behavior in terms of growth, accumulation and conversions of non-refined carbon sources. It also provides some key examples of rewiring of carbon metabolism in microorganisms including Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae to illustrate probable product outcomes. The chapter discusses the intricacies of cellular metabolism and its regulation towards sensing and assimilation of non-refined carbon sources. The emergence and wide availability of non-refined carbon sources as agricultural and/or industrial wastes opens a plethora of opportunities to design processes for utilization of newer substrates and produce new metabolites in a sustainable way. There exists a tight regulation of central carbon metabolism to ensure that production of cellular components is in balance with energy production and consumption. Despite significant recent advances made in the field of synthetic biology and recombinant DNA technology, rewiring cellular metabolism and regulatory circuits is a rather formidable task.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBiochemical and Cellular Aspects of Microbial Sensing
Subtitle of host publicationMaking Sense of Applied Parameters
Number of pages17
ISBN (Electronic)9781119248002
ISBN (Print)9781119247968
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2018

Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Immunology and Microbiology

User-Defined Keywords

  • Agricultural wastes
  • Cellular regulatory circuit
  • Energy production
  • Escherichia coli
  • Microbial assimilation
  • Microbial performance
  • Microbial sensing
  • Non-refined carbon sources
  • Probable product outcomes
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae


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