Nitrogen-modified manganese oxide activated peroxymonosulfate for pollutant degradation: Primary role of interstitial N sites

Yinmei Su, Wei Sun*, Lizhu Yuan, Wenchao Yang, Qichun Zhang, Jonathan W.C. Wong

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Nitrogen anion doping has been considered as an effective strategy to modulate the electronic structure of transition metal oxides and improve their catalysis. However, the roles of interstitial and substitutional N sites in PMS activation remained be unclear. To address this issue, N-doped MnOx with different N configurations were synthesized through calcining their precursors at different temperatures with urea. The incorporation of N atom into manganese oxide lattice remarkably enhanced the catalytic activity. Correspondingly, N-Mn-300/PMS system obtained a removal rate of 99.8% and mineralization rate of 87.8%, whose kobs (0.1067 min−1) was 16.1- and 12.4-folds higher than that of raw ɛ-MnO2 (0.0066 min−1) and Mn-300 (0.0086 min−1). Such promotion was mainly attributed to the decreased electron cloud density of Mn neighboring interstitial N atom, which provided a driving force to induce transfer electron from PMS to Mn, subsequently causing PMS oxidation into 1O2. By contrast, the substitutional N increased the electron density of Mn and exhibited a minor promotion effect in the enhanced catalysis. A possible catalytic mechanism of MnII OH/SO4 → Mn (III)  ← O12 Mn (IV) was proposed. Notably, it was newly discovered that this K2Cr2O7-induced inhibition was attributed to the catalytic site consumption of N-Mn-300 by K2Cr2O7, rather than K2Cr2O7-quenching free electron. This work highlights the primary role of interstitial N site in regulating the electronic structure of manganese oxide to strengthen peroxymonosulfate activation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105574
JournalJournal of Water Process Engineering
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Biotechnology
  • Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
  • Waste Management and Disposal
  • Process Chemistry and Technology

User-Defined Keywords

  • Advanced oxidation processes
  • Interstitial N site
  • Nitrogen anion doping
  • Peroxymonosulfate
  • Singlet oxygen


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