Management Evaluation of the Healthy Athlete program of 2007 Shanghai Special Olympics World Summer Games

Michael H. S. Lam*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review


Customer satisfaction which directly affected service quality is very important in organizing events (Lassar, Manolis & Winsor, 2000). According to the Healthy Athlete Screening Report conducted by the International Special Olympics (2007), there were 7289 athletes registered for the 2007 Shanghai Special Olympics World Summer Games and 4879 (66.9%) of the total athletes participated the Healthy Athlete screening. Facing large amount of customers, the management evaluation based on customer satisfaction was examined with the Importance-Performance Analysis model (IPA) introduced by Martilla and James (1977) on 98 coaches and officials whom the athletes will share their view with. Generally, the success of the Shanghai Healthy Athlete program was revealed in this study. According to IPA, only the rating of importance (expectation) and experience (satisfaction) of effectiveness in crowd management fell behind the standard.

根據2007國際特殊奧運會健康運動員計劃的報告,7,289參賽運動員當中有4,879 (66.9%)人參加了上海特奧的健康運動員計劃。面對龐大的顧客群,服務素質的管理的確是一個難題。很多專家都認同顧客滿意程度反映及影響服務素質之高低,這現象也是項目管理重要的一環。有見及此,我們採用了顧客的期望及實際經驗的差距計算法去(Importance-Performance Analysis model) 去評估客戶的感受及滿意程度。是次訪問的對象是98位教練及隨隊教官,因為他們無論在認知上及情感上都是動員的最佳伙伴,再加上他們在健康理論方面及對事物的看法上較運動員成熟。整體而言,教練及隨隊教官對上海特奧的健康運動員計劃無論在期望及實際經驗都十分滿意,而美中不足的是其人群管理的措施稍遜於期望。
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)46-57
Number of pages12
JournalAsian Journal of Physical Education and Recreation
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2010
Externally publishedYes

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