Luminescence Color Tuning by Regulating Electrostatic Interaction in Light-Emitting Devices and Two-Photon Excited Information Decryption

Yun Ma, Shujuan Liu, Huiran Yang, Yi Zeng, Pengfei She, Nianyong Zhu, Cheuk Lam Ho, Qiang Zhao*, Wei Huang, Wai Yeung Wong*

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44 Citations (Scopus)


It is well-known that the variation of noncovalent interactions of luminophores, such as π- π interaction, metal-to-metal interaction, and hydrogen-bonding interaction, can regulate their emission colors. Electrostatic interaction is also an important noncovalent interaction. However, very few examples of luminescence color tuning induced by electrostatic interaction were reported. Herein, a series of Zn(II)-bis(terpyridine) complexes (Zn-AcO, Zn-BF4, Zn-ClO4, and Zn-PF6) containing different anionic counterions were reported, which exhibit counterion-dependent emission colors from green-yellow to orange-red (549 to 622 nm) in CH2Cl2 solution. More importantly, it was found that the excited states of these Zn(II) complexes can be regulated by changing the electrostatic interaction between Zn2+ and counterions. On the basis of this controllable excited state, white light emission has been achieved by a single molecule, and a white light-emitting device has been fabricated. Moreover, a novel type of data decryption system with Zn-PF6 as the optical recording medium has been developed by the two-photon excitation technique. Our results suggest that rationally controlled excited states of these Zn(II) complexes by regulating electrostatic interaction have promising applications in various optoelectronic fields, such as light-emitting devices, information recording, security protection, and so on.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2409-2416
Number of pages8
JournalInorganic Chemistry
Issue number5
Early online date14 Feb 2017
Publication statusPublished - 6 Mar 2017

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry


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