Introduction: Cultural, Social and Political Value: Cultural, Social and Political Value

Mette Hjort, Ted Nannicelli

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    In view of the common assessment claiming a chronic under- or mis-representation of ethnic minorities in mainstream media images in Hong Kong, this chapter investigates the extent to which non-Chinese ethnic figures did appear and acquire cultural significance in public media. It identifies four broad themes, each highlighting a unique narrative trajectory through which ethnic difference is employed as a cultural platform for various ideological and industry imperatives shaped by, and shaping, the Hong Kong film industry in the 40-year span. The themes are “inter-ethnic romance, " “the fabricated ethnicity in kung fu films, " “consumerism and comic relief, " and “identities on the edge.” A mapping of the existence of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong cinema through an investigation of their onscreen representations can certainly help to delineate a Hong Kong subjectivity with more clarity.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationA Companion to Motion Pictures and Public Value
    EditorsMette Hjort, Ted Nannicelli
    ChapterPart V
    Number of pages4
    ISBN (Electronic)9781119677154
    ISBN (Print)9781119677116
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Feb 2022

    Scopus Subject Areas

    • General Arts and Humanities


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