How much do firms pay as bribes and what benefits do they get? Evidence from corruption cases worldwide

Stephen Y L Cheung, P. Raghavendra Rau, Aris Stouraitis

Research output: Working paper


We analyze a hand-collected sample of 166 prominent bribery cases, involving 107 publicly listed firms from 20 stock markets that have been reported to have bribed government officials in 52 countries worldwide during 1971-2007. We focus on the initial date of award of the contract for which the bribe was paid (rather than of the revelation of the bribery). Our data enable us to describe in detail the mechanisms through which bribes affect firm value. We find that firm performance, the rank of the politicians bribed, as well as bribe-paying and bribe-taking country characteristics affect the magnitude of the bribes and the benefits that firms derive from them.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherNational Bureau of Economic Research
Number of pages71
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2012

Publication series

NameNBER Working Paper Series


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