Food Waste and Single-Cell Proteins

Yu Bon Man, Tsun Man Lee, Md Faysal Hossain, Yiu Fai Tsang, Chun Fung Wong, Ka Lai Chow

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Single-cell proteins (SCPs) have the potential to mitigate the global pressures of food waste and protein demand. Food waste can be used as a feedstock and growth substrate for microorganisms that produce SCPs. SCPs can be produced through submerged fermentation, semisolid fermentation, or solid-state fermentation, which differ in substrate preparation and cultivation conditions, depending on the species selected (i.e., algae, bacteria, fungi, or yeast). Innovative technologies have been adopted for SCP analysis, but traditional methods mainly rely on spectrometry. The SCPs generated from food waste are nutritious and contain amino acids, vitamins, minerals, glucose, and other nutrients. Due to their high nutritional value, SCPs can replace plant- and meat-derived proteins in animal feed and also in human diet. However, SCPs may contain toxic substances, such as nucleic acids, mycotoxins, and bacterial toxins, generated during production. Therefore, further purification steps are often required. SCP production offers a potential alternative to traditional food production pathways given its economic and nutritional value.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationFood Waste Valorisation
    Subtitle of host publicationFood, Feed, Fertiliser, Fuel and Value-Added Products
    EditorsMing Hung Wong, Diane Purchase, Nicholas Dickinson
    PublisherWorld Scientific Publishing Co.
    Number of pages33
    ISBN (Electronic)9781800612891, 9781800612907
    ISBN (Print)9781800612884
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2023

    Scopus Subject Areas

    • General Engineering
    • General Environmental Science

    User-Defined Keywords

    • algae
    • bacteria
    • fermentation
    • fungi
    • yeast


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