Evolution of portfolio assessment: A focus on its transition, integration, research trends, and implications

Ricky C K Lam*

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperpeer-review


    Portfolio assessment has been widely adopted in general and English as a second language education for nearly four decades. Despite its significance and popularity, practitioners and scholars alike remain dubious about its usefulness, practicality, and reliability to be applied as an alternative in assessments. To dispel stakeholders’ ambiguities and scepticisms, this paper critically surveys four key domains of portfolio assessment, which could equip frontline practitioners and assessment researchers with additional instructional repertoires for upgrading instruction and cutting-edge research agendas for conducting portfolio-related studies, respectively. These four domains entail: (1) affordances and challenges when print-based portfolio programs transition into electronic ones within multiple settings; (2) applications of tried-and-tested strategies to facilitate portfolio integration into English curricula; (3) systematic reviews that unpack future research agendas to make original contributions to portfolio assessment scholarship; and (4) a cautionary note that alerts aspiring teachers and scholars when (e-)Portfolio assessment is utilized for teaching and research in a wider English as a second language context. The key takeaways from the paper are twofold, providing audience members with (i) a renewed perspective of how they can effectively conduct and research portfolio assessment in the post-pandemic era, and (ii) up-to-date and practical resources, for instance, blurbs on common e-Portfolio tools, portfolio application websites, selected bibliography (journal articles and monographs), and online tutorials about e-Portfolio set-up.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 28 May 2024
    EventHong Kong Association for Self-Access Learning and Development (HASALD) Seminar - AG 434, Department of English and Communication, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University , Hong Kong
    Duration: 28 May 202428 May 2024


    SeminarHong Kong Association for Self-Access Learning and Development (HASALD) Seminar
    Country/TerritoryHong Kong

    Scopus Subject Areas

    • General Social Sciences


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