Enhancing RBF-FD Efficiency for Highly Non-Uniform Node Distributions via Adaptivity

Siqing Li, Leevan Ling*, Xin Liu, Pankaj K. Mishra, Mrinal K. Sen, Jing Zhang

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Radial basis function generated finite-difference (RBF-FD) methods have recently gained popularity due to their flexibility with irregular node distributions. However, the convergence theories in the literature, when applied to nonuniform node distributions, require shrinking fill distance and do not take advantage of areas with high data density. Non-adaptive approach using same stencil size and degree of appended polynomial will have higher local accuracy at high density region, but has no effect on the overall order of convergence and could be a waste of computational power. This work proposes an adaptive RBF-FD method that utilizes the local data density to achieve a desirable order accuracy. By performing polynomial refinement and using adaptive stencil size based on data density, the adaptive RBFFD method yields differentiation matrices with higher sparsity while achieving the same user-specified convergence order for nonuniform point distributions. This allows the method to better leverage regions with higher node density, maintaining both accuracy and efficiency compared to standard non-adaptive RBF-FD methods.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)331-350
Number of pages20
JournalNumerical Mathematics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - May 2024

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Modelling and Simulation
  • Control and Optimization
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics

User-Defined Keywords

  • adaptive stencil
  • convergence order
  • meshless finite difference
  • Partial differential equations
  • polynomial refinement
  • radial basis functions

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