English language teaching in action

Kwok Hung Lai, Siu Wing Yeung

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingChapter

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    To bridge the gap between subject knowledge and pedagogic knowledge, a DVD entitled "English Language Teaching in Action" was produced. The DVD captured three different lessons which focused on three different skill areas, namely grammar, reading and speaking. Through viewing these lessons, interviews with the teachers involved and the commentary given by the ELT expert from the Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), and the in-depth in-class discussions, student-teachers could examine some current ELT issues in detail and could think of some effective strategies to tackle the ELT-related problems and to facilitate effective learning and teaching in the English classroom.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationStudies on Teaching and Learning
    EditorsAtara Sivan
    Place of PublicationHong Kong
    PublisherHong Kong Baptist University
    Number of pages11
    ISBN (Print)9789881810557
    Publication statusPublished - May 2010

    User-Defined Keywords

    • Teaching English
    • reflection
    • analysed video material


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