Engaging Communication and Marketing Students in Cross-Cultural Synchronous Online Learning

Kara Chan*, Izian Idris

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review


This Article presents a case study of cross-cultural synchronous online learning between marketing and advertising undergraduate students in Hong Kong and Malaysia. A blended learning flipped classroom model allowed students to collaborate in real-time despite geographical distance. Students completed online learning materials on the FutureLearn platform before coming to class. During class time, students worked in groups and applied their theoretical knowledge to solve marketing problems with cross-cultural elements. The collaboration experience encouraged the development of intercultural competencies and collaborative work skills among students. Course materials were designed to address both the Hong Kong and Malaysian consumer experiences. This Article introduces the course’s pedagogical design and the challenges faced in implementation. The effectiveness of the cross-cultural online learning model is evaluated using learning analytics from the FutureLearn platform and an online survey. Best practices for synchronous online learning are recommended. Results indicated that students found online teaching materials visually stimulating, well-organised, and easy to understand. They gained intercultural skills and learned how to better communicate with consumers from other cultures.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)100-117
Number of pages18
JournalAsian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2023

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Education
  • Communication

User-Defined Keywords

  • Cross-cultural learning
  • international marketing education
  • problem-solving based learning
  • research-teaching nexus
  • teaching leadership


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