Effects of music on psychophysiological responses during high intensity interval training using body weight exercises

Rinaldo A.Allocca Filho, Jonathan J.G. Oliveira, Paulo Vinicios C. Zovico, Roberta L. Rica, Welmo A. Barbosa, Alexandre F. Machado, Alexandre L. Evangelista, Eduardo C. Costa, Marco Bergamin, Julien S. Baker, Danilo S. Bocalini*

*Corresponding author for this work

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5 Citations (Scopus)


The use of music in exercise sessions is considered an interesting strategy as it facilitates, through motivation, an improvement in physical performance, as well as a reduction in the subjective perception of effort and an improvement in mood. Such factors are important for the maintenance of physical exercise programs, however, considering high intensity interval training, the effects of music remain inconclusive. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of music during high intensity interval training sessions using body weight (HIIT-B) on the physiological parameters and mood state of adults. Methods: 11 CrossFit male practitioners were randomly submitted to three sessions of HIIT-B under the following experimental conditions: preference music (PM), non-preference music (nPM) and without music (WM). The HIIT-B protocol consisted of 20 sets of 30 s of stimulus using maximal intensities followed by 30 s of passive recovery. The following exercises were used: jumping jacks, burpee, mountain climber and squat jumping. The following parameters were analyzed: heart rate (HR), lactate (La), total amount of movements (TAM), affective response (AR), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), recovery (RPR) and mood states. Results: although an increase (p< 0.05) of HR, RPE and La, reduction of RPR was found after performing the HIIT session, no differences were found between the three conditions to these parameters. The nPM condition promoted lower (p< 0.001) TAM compared to the WM and PM conditions, which also differed from each other. However, for AR, a music effect was found among the protocols (p< 0.0001), indicating that the PM session promoted an increase in pleasure, unlike WM and nPM session which provided pleasure reduction and displeasure respectively. The WM session did not promote any changes. There were no main effects on time for depression and anger, which were different for vigor, fatigue, mental confusion, tension and mood disturbance. Additionally, differences were found after session to tension (p = 0.0229), vigor (p = 0.0424) and fatigue (p = 0.0400) for PM condition, vigor (p = 0.0424), fatigue (p = 0.0400) mental confusion (p = 0.0302) and mood disturbance (p = 0.0129) for nPM and vigor (p = 0.0363) and fatigue (p = 0.0468) to WM conditions. Conclusion: Listening to preferred music during an 'all out' HIIT-B session increases exercise performance and elicits more positive affective responses in recreationally active adult males, despite similar HR, blood lactate, RPE and fatigue compared to nonpreferred music or no-music.

Original languageEnglish
Article number113931
Number of pages7
JournalPhysiology and Behavior
Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2022

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Experimental and Cognitive Psychology
  • Behavioral Neuroscience

User-Defined Keywords

  • High intensity interval training
  • Body weight
  • Training load
  • Mood and music


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