Donating to the fight for democracy: Connective diaspora network of overseas Hong Kongers and Taiwanese in the 2019 Anti-extradition Bill Movement

Yao-Tai Li, Ka Yi Fung

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperpeer-review


    The 2019 Anti-extradition Bill Movement in Hong Kong has generated global support through both the narrative side as well as material donations. This article compares global support networks organized by Taiwanese and overseas Hong Kongers. Drawing on the interview data with 17 Taiwanese and 13 overseas Hong Kongers regarding the reasons, processes, and meanings of donation to Hong Kong protesters, we found that even both groups organized support networks in different ways and have different perceived risks and motivations, they both engage in diaspora activism around the idea of democracy af- ter considering the shared/imagined political future (vis-a-vis China). By examining Hong Konger and Taiwanese support networks, this article contributes to the field of diaspora activism and global networks by proposing a more nuanced concept of connective diaspora activism that features a diasporic democracy network—a net- work which is based on shared beliefs and gradual understanding of each other’s experience as well as imagined political future.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Jul 2021
    EventNetworks 2021: A Joint Sunbelt and NetSci Conference - Virtual
    Duration: 5 Jul 202110 Jul 2021


    ConferenceNetworks 2021
    Internet address


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