Cultural Values and Managers’ Hiring Decision in 24 Countries: Does Societal Culture Matter?

Ji LI, Jieying XU, Xin Yang, Wanxing JIANG, Tao Liu

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference proceedingpeer-review


    Based on the theory of universal human values as developed by Schwartz (1992, 1994), we conducted a cross-national comparison of two levels of values (i.e., the cultural values at the societal level and personal values at the individual level) in terms of their effects on managers’ decision of employment discrimination (hereafter DED). We argued that, when studying the relationship between cultural values and DED, one should consider not only those commonly-studied societal values, such as individualism/collectivism (hereafter I/C), but also personal values at the individual level. Analyzing data from over ten-thousand managers across 24 countries, we show that the effects of individual value are more robust than those of societal/institutions -level values in terms of their influence on DEDs. For instance, different from the findings from such a good journal as JIBS, we found that societal value of I/C has no significant relationship with either gender or immigrant discrimination. Moreover, the effects of both societal and individual values seem to be ordered by their relative importance to relevant discrimination, which supports the argument of universal values by Schwartz (1992, 1994)
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAcademy of Management Proceedings 2015
    EditorsSonia Taneja
    PublisherAcademy of Management
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2015
    Event75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2015: Opening Governance - Vancouver, Canada
    Duration: 7 Aug 201511 Aug 2015 (Conference website) (Conference proceedings)

    Publication series

    NameAcademy of Management Proceedings
    ISSN (Print)0065-0668
    ISSN (Electronic)2151-6561


    Conference75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2015
    Internet address

    User-Defined Keywords

    • Societal cultural values
    • managers' decision on employment discrimination
    • individual values


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