Crosstalk-constrained maze routing based on Lagrangian relaxation

Hai Zhou, D.F. Wong

Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


With the increasing density of VLSI circuits, interconnection wires are getting packed even closer. This has increased the effect of interaction between wires on circuit performance and hence, the importance of controlling crosstalk. Maze routing is a robust and general approach which can be used in many situations including multi-layer interconnections. In this paper, we consider crosstalk avoidance in maze routing. The crosstalk-constrained maze routing problem is first formulated. Then we show it is equivalent to the multi-constrained shortest path problem and is strongly NP-complete. Based on the Lagrangian relaxation technique, an effective heuristic algorithm is designed to solve the problem.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication1997 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 1997: VLSI in Computers and Processors
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)081868206X
Publication statusPublished - Oct 1997
Event1997 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 1997: VLSI in Computers and Processors - Austin, United States
Duration: 12 Oct 199715 Oct 1997

Publication series

NameProceedings of 1997 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 1997: VLSI in Computers and Processors


Conference1997 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 1997: VLSI in Computers and Processors
Country/TerritoryUnited States

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Hardware and Architecture
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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