Creating an Interactive Homepage to Enhance Language Teaching and Learning

Carol M H Lam

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This project aimed to provide EAP (English for Academic Purposes) students and outsiders with better access to the course materials and better interaction with each other to enhance both the students’ motivation for learning English and the delivery of EAP teaching itself. Data collected from 40 questionnaire surveys and ten follow-up interviews concerning the effectiveness of the use of the present homepage suggest that an overwhelming majority of the students found the homepage attractive, effective and useful for their English learning. It has provided an extra, easy and reliable means for them to learn English in their own time.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationStudies on Teaching and Learning
EditorsAtara Sivan
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherHong Kong Baptist University Quality Assurance Committee
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)9789881810519
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes

User-Defined Keywords

  • Language teaching
  • language learning
  • interactive mode


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