Corporate Environmental Risk and the Customer-Supplier Relationship

Shantanu Banerjee, Xin Chang, Kangkang Fu, Tao Li, George Wong

    Research output: Working paper


    We provide empirical evidence on the adverse effects of supplier firms’ environmental risk exposures on their relationships with principal customers. We document that supplier firms with high environmental risk are less likely to have principal customers. Moreover, from the principal customers’ perspective, a higher level of environmental risk lowers a supplier firm’s probability of being selected relative to its industry peers by its potential customer. Conditional on an ongoing relationship with principal customers, supplier firms with high environmental risk have lower sales to principal customers and shorter relationship durations. These results are more pronounced when customers’ environmental risk is lower. Collectively, our findings suggest that improving the trading relationship with principal customers is an important channel through which firms can benefit economically from being environmentally responsible.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages46
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2014

    Publication series

    NameNanyang Business School Research Paper Series
    NameS&P Global Market Intelligence Research Paper Series

    User-Defined Keywords

    • corporate social responsibility
    • product market competition
    • environmental risk
    • customer-supplier relationship


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