Cooperative modulation of electronic structures of aromatic molecules coupled to multiple metal contacts

Weihua Wang*, Xingqiang Shi, Shiyong Wang, Jun Liu, Michel A. Van Hove, Pei Nian Liu, Rui Qin Zhang, Nian Lin

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We use cryogenic scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy and density-functional theory calculations to inspect the modulation of electronic states of aromatic molecules. The molecules are self-assembled on a Cu(111) surface forming molecular networks in which the molecules are in different contact configurations, including laterally coupled to different numbers of coordination bonds and vertically adsorbed at different heights above the substrate. We quantitatively analyze the molecular states and find that a delocalized empty molecular state is modulated by these multiple contacts in a cooperative manner: its energy is down shifted by ∼0.16 eV for each additional lateral contact and by ∼0.1 eV as the vertical molecule-surface distance is reduced by 0.1 Å in the physisorption regime. We also report that in a molecule-metal-molecule system the bridging metal can mediate the electronic states of the two molecules.

Original languageEnglish
Article number046802
Number of pages5
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jan 2013

Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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