Conjoint-based model of activity engagement, timing, scheduling, and stop pattern formation

D. Wang*, H. Timmermans

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review

    7 Citations (Scopus)


    Although stated preference or conjoint-based models have recently found ample application in the transportation literature, there have been no attempts to use this modeling approach to develop an activity-based model of transport demand. The development of such a model, called COBRA, is discussed. The model examines individuals' choices on activity engagement, scheduling, and stop pattern formation. The model is calibrated using experimental design data collected to examine the potential effects of several policies recently proposed in the Netherlands. The modeling results indicate that although people prefer activity schedules involving fewer home-based tours, they do not prefer the combination of all individual trips into a single home-based tour. Furthermore, it is found that individuals will change their activity engagement patterns only if government policies induce substantial changes in individuals' time availability.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)10-17
    Number of pages8
    JournalTransportation Research Record
    Issue number1718
    Publication statusPublished - 2000

    Scopus Subject Areas

    • Civil and Structural Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering


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