Communicating Life as a Piece of Visual Art: Case Study of Photography Application Zuji FotoPlace

Xuan Xie*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperpeer-review


Within the context of the proliferation of mobile usage and subtitle culture, the project discusses the reconstructed relationship between and communication, ordinary personal life and massively circulated self-created art works with the assistance of popular photography application FotoPlace in China.

Reconsidering critical theories through photographic experience and film presentation, it is revealed that such visual practice challenges the notion of fixed image and representation of life as in traditional photography. Creative meanings assigned into art works circulate in communication network, improve artful involvement of audience as both users and viewers, and empower them with authority to rediscover selves. For users, transforming personal life as presented in art forms is more interesting than art itself. The influence of subtitle culture on audience's usage of such apps is also discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jun 2016
Event66th Annual International Communication Association Conference, ICA 2016: Communicating With Power - Fukuoka, Japan
Duration: 9 Jun 201613 Jun 2016


Conference66th Annual International Communication Association Conference, ICA 2016
Internet address


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