CEO gender, Female Representation in TMT and Firm Innovation: Examining Organizational and Environmental Boundary Conditions

Liqun Wei, Kun Qiao

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingConference proceedingpeer-review


    Drawing on the CEO/TMT research as well as the gender literature, his study proposes the determinant role of CEO gender on the female representation in top management teams (TMTs) as well as the moderating role of CEO efficacy in the relationship between female representation in TMT and firm innovation, with the further moderating effect from industry growth. We predict female CEOs are more likely to recruit female TMT members, but the positive female CEO-female representation in TMT should be weaker for female CEOs from a larger firm and who are higher in self-efficacy. Moreover, CEO self-efficacy negatively moderates the relationship between female representation in TMT and firm innovation and this moderating effect is especially salient for firms with female CEOs. Finally, the three-way interaction is predicted that the relationship between female representation in TMT and firm innovation should be the highest when both CEO self-efficacy and industry growth are high.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationBAM2019 Proceedings
    Subtitle of host publicationBuilding And Sustaining High Performance Organisations During Uncertain Times
    PublisherBritish Academy of Management
    ISBN (Print)9780995641327
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2019


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